Thursday 9 April 2009

Task 4, Argument: An Inconvenient Truth

A favorable review:

Brandon Fibbs says that all scientists agree about global warming and that we are responsible. He thinks the movie was supported by so much evidence such as photos, facts and charts. Al Gore has enough studies to convince even the most ardent skeptic. He had shocking photographic evidence that showed the effect of global warming. Brandon Fibbs thinks that Al Gore ended the movie on a positive note when he said it was a moral issue not a political issue.

An unfavorable review:

Scott, , says that Al Gore is a good speaker, but his message about global warming was interrupted when he started making jokes about Bush and the Republicans. As Scott sees it, the movie doesn’t seem to be about global warming but it seems to be about selling Al Gore as a saint or as future president. He wants the audience to believe him by moving them emotionally when he was talking about his personal life. There was another unfavorable review by Eric; he said that Al Gore may have shown the audience the pictures of glaciers that was taken in the winter and another in the summer. Also he said that Al Gore should have replaced the biased politics with references for his facts.


In my opinion this movie is interesting for many reasons and these reasons are a lot of information about global warming. The way the movie was presented and Al Gore’s way of explaining the causes of this problem were great. I think that people will take more responsibility when they know about this problem.

1 comment:

Zawir Al-Hamidi said...

Global Warming is always true.