My teacher gave us a web site to know what I measured in my carbon footprint in http://footprint.wwf.org.uk/.
Carbon footprint is the total GHG emissions you personally are responsible for in our life. I measure my friends carbon footprints 4.39, 3.3, 2.22 and 3.64 and the average of carbon footprint in my class is 3.86 and it is high and it means nearly 4 planets. As you can see the carbon footprint is not the same for everyone; each one has his own rate which depends on the way he lives.
There are various ways to reduce the amount of consumption of the earth’s resource and reduce the harm one person can cause like using cleaner ways of transportation by walking or using a bike to go for small errands to the market instead of the car. Also in the house one can use energy saving lights or choose energy efficient appliances. For food you can at least plant a garden of your own or choose food with less packaging to reduce waste and for housing use biodegradable, non-toxic cleaning products. Everyone in the world is trying their best to reduce the carbon emissions anyway possible and the UAE too is participating in this cause so we should look after this problem. I hope that everybody takes this problem seriously and I hope they think before they do anything.
Carbon footprint is the total GHG emissions you personally are responsible for in our life. I measure my friends carbon footprints 4.39, 3.3, 2.22 and 3.64 and the average of carbon footprint in my class is 3.86 and it is high and it means nearly 4 planets. As you can see the carbon footprint is not the same for everyone; each one has his own rate which depends on the way he lives.
There are various ways to reduce the amount of consumption of the earth’s resource and reduce the harm one person can cause like using cleaner ways of transportation by walking or using a bike to go for small errands to the market instead of the car. Also in the house one can use energy saving lights or choose energy efficient appliances. For food you can at least plant a garden of your own or choose food with less packaging to reduce waste and for housing use biodegradable, non-toxic cleaning products. Everyone in the world is trying their best to reduce the carbon emissions anyway possible and the UAE too is participating in this cause so we should look after this problem. I hope that everybody takes this problem seriously and I hope they think before they do anything.
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