The international race has accelerated by the impact of global warming on Earth’s frozen north. The latest report by the U.S says the ice is receding because of greenhouse gases. The ASA Company wants to benefit from oil fields. Some companies focus on searching for oil in the north. Russia is developing the field and Norway is hoping to use their technology for it. Opening the North Pole will make navigation easier and the sailing time would reduce. Although Canada and Denmark sent war ships to the island, the peace was kept with no shooting. Russia sent the first ship to arrive at the North Pole without an icebreaker’s help. The American transportation company OmniTrax Inc moved more than 500,000 tons of grain through the Churchill port. A previous report was saying the ice melting would take 100 years, but now reports say it will take 10-15 years, so U.S, Canada, Russia, Denmark and Norway are claiming part of the Arctic. Most ships carry organisms while they are passing the North Pole. The fish move to cold water so they travel to different countries, so Russia contests with Norway in the Svalbard Islands which are rich with fish.
Main idea:
Countries are fighting for the Arctic to benefit from oil and fish and they tried to arrive at the North Pole.
This race can make profits and also make problems for global warming and old reports were wrong about melting ice and the new reports are correct.
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